
October 4, 2012

Thrift Store Ladder Turned Blanket Ladder

I finally finished my blanket ladder. If y'all remember a coupe of days ago when I posted that I found this ladder for $10!

Well, after much drilling, sanding, staining and such, here's my finished product:

This is the back of the ladder. I had to add the top two bars...which I had some 1x2s conveniently in my wood pile. This is the same stain I used on my hallway table.

And finally, the ladder is in use...just in time to display my (functional) blankets in the projected below 60 degree weather!!

Here's a quick story on all of my blankets...

The top of is, of course, my Gator blanket. For those that know me I'm a die hard Florida Gator fan...ever since I was little (I grew up in Florida) I always wanted to go there, but never had the test scores to get in. I still support them through the good, bad and ugly.

The second one down is my high school blanket. I went to Rockledge High and loved it. I also (still) support them in everything! Proud to be a Raider!

The third one is one that my mother made me in 2003. I was big into soccer, so naturally, soccer was the choice.

Finally, the last one is one that I made my husband while we were still dating. I believe we were still in high school.

I will definitely be enjoying these in the cold South Dakota weather.

Until next time,

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