
September 25, 2012

A Little Bit of This

I had a little fun today making another batch of lip balm. With the cooler weather on it's way here and with how dry it is, I decided it's time to stock up!! This time I made my lip balm with some peppermint essential oil. Let's just say it not only smells like peppermint in the house, but the lip balm is great! It took me a couple of times to get my head on straight and remember to put all of the ingredients in them. Here's a peek at the finished ones!

My pal Jeremy gave me his old Altoids tin and asked me to fill it!

While I was letting my wax melt (under a close eye, of course!), I was looking around for my next project. Sitting right next to me is this! You may remember this beauty from a previous post.

While I LOVE the look of the crackled paint, I need to fix a couple of things. Let's just say this is not Gunner proof. He has a favorite spot to gnaw on.

After constantly cleaning up the pieces of paint that come off, I decided I wanted to completely sand it and repaint it. Here's an example of what I have to clean, all of the time!

I JUST vacuumed, and I'm embarrased to say that this is on my floor. You can see how bad it is coming off. If it's touched, it comes off!

So Thursday after my clinical, this is my project to tackle. Any suggestions on how I should paint it??

Until next time,

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