
July 5, 2012

Theater Room Art

So as many of you are aware of Pintrest, I found an awesome, easy project on there! I wanted to use the same color I used in the kitchen, my Brisk Olive green since I had some leftover. I went to Hobby Lobby and picked up some 2 pack canvas. I believe I paid $6.99 for the 2 pack. I ended up getting 4...about $3.25 each. I also had painters tape from painting the walls. Here is where you'll find the instructions on how to make them. I only used 3 of my 4. I'm just going to add some pictures of tips I have for the project (they can also be used for others).

I started by painting the whole canvas white

This was a neat trick I saw somewhere

Push pins so I could paint the sides without it sticking to the plastic

Taped off and ready to paint

I painted over the tape so if any paint seeped through it would be white, not color.
Painted the whole thing.

Finished and up on the wall in my theater room.
It adds a little color in there. I also just realized the green is very similar to the color that author of the blog I linked used. I think the contrasting colors in this room really works. I was glad to tie my Brick Olive into another part of the house. Happy painting!

1 comment:

  1. Love the tip about painting with white first to prevent ugly "fuzzies" from paint seeping under the tape. Quick and easy, but saves a lot of hassle. I'm going to have to remember that one. :)
